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Minutes May 2019

President: Winifred Lender, Ph.D.

President Elect:  Megan Donahue, PhD

Treasurer:  Eric Nelson, PhD

Secretary:  Christina Donaldson, PhD

LAN Representative: Juliet Rohde-Brown, PhD

Student Representative: Scott Young

  Past President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD

SBCPA Board Meeting Minutes

May 9th, 2019

Attendees: Dr. Kimberley Taylor, Dr. Betsy Bates Freed, Dr. Winifred Lender, Dr. Eric Nelson, Dr. Anahita Holden, Dr. Megan Donahue, Dr. James Fortman, Dr. Christina Donaldson, Dr. Hallie D’Agruma.  Present via telephone: Dr. Juliet Rhode-Brown

New Business

     Approval of April Minutes - Dr. Kimberley Taylor motioned to approve the April Minutes. Dr. Betsy Bates-Freed seconded. All approved. Motion passed.

Old Business

     SBCPA Brochure Project

     SPCPA Brochure, which educates the public about the role of psychologists and the SBCPA, was completed under budget.

     2,000 brochures were produced and the Disaster Response, Membership, and Social committees will utilize the brochures at upcoming events.

     All members will be advised of availability of brochures in the newsletter and interested members can request free copies. 

President’s Report

     Proposal regarding Suicide Prevention Workshop

     Dr. Winifred Lender indicated that Crane School will be the venue for the proposed SBCPA Suicide Prevention Workshop on September 14th 2019 with Dr. Lisa Firestone.

     The following attendance categories and fees were discussed: Non- SBCPA Members $135, SBCPA Licensed Members  $120, Educators and community members  $75, Students $40, Group rates (executive board to set rate, when requested).

     Vote: Dr. Betsy Bates made a motion to to move forward with Suicide Prevention Workshop, including the date, location, speaker fee, attendance categories and fees.  Dr. Megan Donahue seconded.  All approved. Motion passes.

President-Elect’s Report

     Website revamping

     Dr. Megan Donahue will survey members about their impressions of the current website.

     A group of Board members and non-Board members will review members’ feedback from the survey and quotes to refresh the website.

Past President’s Report

     Legacy award committee Update:

     SBCPA Past President will sit on the Legacy Awards committee.

     Dr. Deborah Schiller will Chair the Legacy Awards committee.

     A new timeline will be adopted that includes: soliciting nominations in August and notifying winners in October.

Treasurer’s Report

     Current balance in the SBCPA bank account is $16,000.

     SBCPA membership and other fees will now be collected through Wild Apricot processing system.

     Dr. Eric Nelson will work with the Bookkeeper over the summer to transition to Quickbooks.

Secretary’s Report

     Secretary coverage for June meeting

     Dr. Winifred Lender will take minutes for June Board meeting.

     SBCPA Happenings newsletter schedule will change for the Memorial Day weekend and will be sent out on May 29th. 

Student Representative’s Report

     Scott Young is coordinating with Dr. Cecile Lyons to organize a student coffee hour.

Continuing Education Committee’s Report

     Currently awaiting approval of November Salon from CPA.

     Salons will be advertised in the SBCPA Happenings newsletter the week to the Salon to serve as a reminder for members.

Website Committee’s Report

     Dr. James Fortman reported on changes to the website, which include: a graphic and copy related to mental health awareness month and an indication on the Board contact page that the contact information should be used for Association inquiries and not mental health concerns.

Media & Public Relations Committee Report

     No report

     Task - Dr. Jordan Witt to send out press releases for Suicide Prevention Workshop

Membership Committee Report

     Membership committee developed a draft membership recruitment flier and the Board discussed having Design Spinners create the final Membership one page flier.

     Vote: Dr. Betsy Bates Freed moved that membership should obtain a quote from Design Spinners to produce the finalized flier. Dr. Christina Donaldson seconded.  All approved. Motion passed.

     Upcoming committee tasks include: preparing for the June Networking breakfast and monitoring/promoting the Mentor program.

Local Advocacy Network Committee Report

Dr. Juliet Rhode-Brown provided an update on the CPA Lobby Day Bills, which included: 


     AB 1601 (Ramos) - Passed the Assembly Governmental Organization AND Health Committees with no “NO” votes. The bill will next be heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee (date TBD).


     SB 11 (Beall) – Set for hearing in the Senate Health Committee on April 24, 2019. Should it pass, the bill will move to the Senate Appropriations Committee.


     SB 66 (Atkins) – Passed the Senate Health and Appropriations Committee with no “NO” votes. The bill will next be heard on the Senate Floor in May 2019.

Social Committee Report

     Organized the hospitality prior to the Museum event on April 25, 2019.


Ethics Committee Report

     No report

Disaster Response Committee Report

     HOPE 805 officially ended its grant on 4/24/19.

     Roberta from the Red Cross chapter will coordinate with Dr. Karen Lehman on a Red Cross volunteer training for SBCPA members.

     County Emergency Services is hosting a Call Center Training on June 5th and SBCPA members are encouraged to attend.

Meeting Adjournment at 9:45AM

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