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Minutes June 2019

 President: Winifred Lender, Ph.D.

President Elect:  Megan Donahue, PhD

Treasurer:  Eric Nelson, PhD

Secretary:  Christina Donaldson, PhD

LAN Representative: Juliet Rohde-Brown, PhD

Student Representative: Scott Young

  Past President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD

Minutes of the Meeting

Of the Board of Directors of the

Santa Barbara County Psychological Association

June 13th, 2019

Regular Session Board Meeting

A meeting of the Board of  Directors of the Santa Barbara County Psychological Association was held on June 13, 2019 in room 123 at Antioch University, pursuant to a notice of meeting in accordance with the Bylaws. A quorum was present. Board President, Dr. Winifred Lender, called the meeting to order at 8:30am. Dr. Lender served as the Acting Recording Secretary for the meeting and kept the Minutes.


Those present were: Dr. Betsy Bates Freed, Dr. Winifred Lender, Dr. Eric Nelson, Dr. Juliet Rhode-Brown (via telephone), Dr. Angela Vigna, and Mr. Scott Young. Not in attendance: Dr. Hallie D’Agruma, Dr. Christina Donaldson, Dr. James Fortman, Dr. Karen Lehman, Dr. Megan Donahue, Dr. Kimberley Taylor, and Dr. Jordan Witt.

Agenda Item 1: New Business

Dr. Bates Freed made a MOTION to approve the May 9, 2019 Minutes. Dr. Eric Nelson seconded the motion and a vote was held. The motion passed with none opposed and none abstaining.

Agenda Item 2: Old Business

Dr. Lender reported that the new SBCPA brochures are available for any interested members and will be distributed at upcoming Salons, Networking Breakfasts, and social events.

Agenda Item 3: President’s Report

Dr. Lender, President, gave a report on the results of the Special Interest Group Survey sent to members in mid-May. She noted that 67% of the survey respondents expressed interest in participation in a Special Interest Group. The majority preferred a meeting frequency of once per month. The majority of  interest fell in the categories of: Mindfulness/ Focusing, ACT, Assessment, Anxiety/OCD, and Newly Licensed/New to Town. Dr. Lender will follow-up with individuals that expressed interest in leading these groups. Dr. Lender also invited discussion around next steps to ensure the SBCPA website home page remains novel and current. The Board discussed options. It was decided that Dr. Lender will solicit articles from the membership to be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Board.

Agenda Item 4: President-Elect’s Report

No report.

Agenda Item 5: Past President’s Report

No report.

Agenda Item 6: Treasurer’s Report

Dr. Nelson, Treasurer, indicated that the current balance in the SBCPA account is $15,000. He reported that all transactions are now routed through Wild Apricot instead of Paypal. Dr. Nelson noted that this switch will save the Association around $100 per year.

Agenda Item 7: Secretary’s Report

No report.

Agenda Item 8: Student Representative’s Report

Mr. Young, Student Representative, noted that the Student Coffee Hour is set for June 22 and Dr. Cecile Lyons will speak on the topic of  “Setting Fees and Managing Money.” Mr. Young will send out an invitation to the entire membership to attend this event as it is relevant to all members.

Agenda Item 9: Continuing Education Committee’s Report

Dr. Winifred Lender, President, reported for Dr. Hallie D’Agruma, Continuing Education Chair. She noted that the Suicide Prevention Workshop has been approved for 6 continuing education units by CPA for all professions governed by the Baord of Behavioral Sciences. Cate Hall at Crane School is the confirmed location for the event. The committee will start advertising the event shortly.

Agenda Item 10: Website Committee’s Report

No report.

Agenda Item 11: Media & Public Relations Committee Report

No report.

Agenda Item 12: Membership Committee Report

Dr. Holden, Membership Committee Chair, reported that the next Networking Breakfast will be held on June 14th and 14 members are signed up.  She indicated that received quote of $200 from Design Spinners for the design of a membership document meant to support outreach to potential new members. The Board discussed the proposal. Dr. Betsy Bates Freed made a MOTION to approve up to $400 for the design and production of a new members outreach document. Mr. Young seconded the motion and a vote was held. The motion passed with none opposed and none abstaining.

Agenda Item 13: Local Advocacy Network Committee Report

No report.

Agenda Item 14: Social Committee Report

Dr. Angela Vigna, Social Committee Chair, invited discussion around the plan for a summer social event. The Board discussed options. It was decided that the event will be held on Saturday, August 3rd from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at Knowlwood Tennis Club, pending location availability confirmation. Save the date notices will be sent to members shortly.


Agenda Item 15: Ethics Committee Report

No report.

Agenda Item 16: Disaster Response Committee Report

No report.

The meeting was adjourned by Dr. Lender at 9:30am.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Winifred Lender

President and Acting Recording Secretary

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